REDIII Revision

The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) will likely vote on the REDIII proposal on 13 July. The draft shows several improvements, but we are still concerned  by the ENVI proposal on primary woody biomass, for which ITRE should take action, considering the overreach of Art.2.  To support your bilateral exchanges with policymakers, the Secretariat has prepared a position paper on primary woody biomass. For more information, please reach out to Irene di Padua.  

Ad-hoc meeting on REDIII advocacy strategy

The Secretariat is hosting an ad-hoc meeting on 8 June 10:00-11:30 to go over the REDIII revision and the vote on the ENVI opinion, share our suggestions for the ITRE report, and coordinate our outreach efforts. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

EU ETS and EED Upcoming Votes

The EU ETS final report will be voted in plenary on 7 June. The text deletes the 95% threshold as advocated by Bioenergy Europe. The EED vote instead, is likely to be postponed to July or after the summer holidays. For more information, please contact Ennio Prizzi.

EU Green Week Partner Events

Between 30 May and 5 June, the 2022 edition of the EU Green Week is taking place in Brussels and across the EU. More than 270 partner events, including one from Bioenergy Europe, are organised within the Green Week. A detailed list of all events can be found here.


Following the release of the REPowerEU plan by the European Commission last week, Bioenergy Europe has published a press release stressing that even though bioenergy is acknowledged as the main renewable source in the EU, the plan lacks clear targets and additional measures to enhance the further deployment of our sector. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

REDIV on Permitting

The European Commission has released a proposal (REDIV) to amend the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD), and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) in order to speed up the permitting process for renewable energy projects. To do this, REDIV creates a new definition of a ’renewables go-to area’. Once again, “biomass combustion plants” are explicitly excluded from this definition and its application in Article 16a “Permit-granting process in renewables go-to areas”. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

Update on CEO Letter

Bioenergy Europe sent an open letter to President Von der Leyen, Vice-President Timmermans and other high-level EU representatives, urging them to properly include bioenergy in the REPowerEU Communication. The letter has been signed by more than 518 CEOs and high-level representatives from the bioenergy value-chain. The strategy is expected to be published on 18 May and according to a leaked draft version bioenergy is now included. However, no specific target was mentioned. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.