Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Forum

On 7 March the EU Commission presented the latest updates on the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling revision to Member States and stakeholders. The proposal of ENER Lot10 and Lot20 is still on the table but raises the concerns of some national experts. Bioenergy Europe circulated a joint letter pushing against the merger. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

EU Bioeconomy Assessment

An assessment of the progress and the trends in the EU bioeconomy, carried out by the JRC, confirms the findings of the EU Bioeconomy Progress Report that a better policy coordination is needed to tackle the multiple pressures on land from biomass demand. For more information, please contact Jérémie Geelen.

IEA Bioenergy’s Report 2023

In their report How bioenergy contributes to a sustainable future, IEA Bioenergy thoroughly assesses bioenergy and its role for a sustainable future in 12 chapters grouped under a strategic view. This evidence-based report highlights bioenergy’s essential role in the bioeconomy and how it can support a just transition while achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The consolidated text of the agreement reached in December on the EU ETS, CBAM and the Social Climate Fund is due to be presented to the Council in February, before being put to a vote in the European Parliament at the plenary session in March. For more information, contact Ennio Prizzi.

EED Trilogues

The negotiations on the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) are coming to an end. The next technical meeting will be held on 17 February and the last political trilogue is expected on 9 March when a deal is likely to be reached. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

ETD Revision

In view of the meeting of the WP on Tax Questions on 10 November, the Czech Presidency published a compromise text covering the Energy Taxation Directive. The document specifies that Member States will be able to grant tax exemptions or reductions to nuclear electricity (in addition to wind, solar, etc.). It shows that there are still questions about how to tax hydrogen used in fuel cells – several options are being considered. The levels of taxation are left in square brackets at this stage, since the Presidency believes that they should be decided at the ministerial level. For more information, please contact Ennio Prizzi.

European Bioenergy Day

On 8 November, we celebrated the European Bioenergy Day, as part of the campaign. Besides providing information about bioenergy, the campaign highlights success stories of the Member States and celebrates national bioenergy days, which indicate the day on which the country could rely on bioenergy only for the rest of 2022, if bioenergy were used continuously. If you want to know more about the campaign and/or are interested in contributing to the national success stories, please contact Maija Lepistö.

New Emergency Energy Council in November

A new emergency meeting of the Energy Council is expected in November, with the aim of adopting a legislative proposal on capping gas prices. The European Commission would present an urgent legislative package that will be first discussed at the EU summit on 20-21 October, then at the Energy Council on 25 October. For more information, please contact Ennio Prizzi.