New IEA Report: Net Zero by 2050

Yesterday, the IEA published its flagship report Net Zero by 2050: A roadmap for the Global Energy Sector. This special report is the world’s first comprehensive study of how to transition to a net zero energy system by 2050 while ensuring stable and affordable energy supplies, providing universal energy access, and enabling robust economic growth. It sets out a cost-effective and economically productive pathway, resulting in a clean, dynamic and resilient energy economy dominated by renewables like solar and wind instead of fossil fuels.   

REDII Forest Biomass Operational Guidance Outreach

Bioenergy Europe has circulated its reply to the public consultation with the permanent representatives to the European Union. The advocacy department will be meeting with the permanent representatives from Estonia and Poland this week to promote the interests of bioenergy. For more information, contact Daniel Reinemann.

Sustainable finance taxonomy

On Wednesday 21 April, the European Commission published the Sustainable Finance package including the climate delegated act. The secretariat has prepared a policy brief summarising the main takeaways. For more information, please contact Giulia Cancian.

Stakeholder workshop on the implementation of REDII and EED’s heating and cooling provisions

On Wednesday 26 May, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and DG Energy of the European Commission will discuss a series of reports focusing on heating and cooling. The studies of JRC support the implementation of the Renewable Energy (RED II) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and address issues like efficient district heating, accounting renewable heating and cooling, and heating and cooling measures in the NECPs. Bioenergy Europe has been invited to speak on behalf of the sector and make sure it is properly reflected in the final documents. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

Negative emissions certification

The European Commission is at the very early stage of the work on the Negative Emissions Certification System. DG CLIMA will work on a robust system which will be based on clear and sound accounting systems and common standards facilitating trade. Other important initiatives in the field of carbon sequestration include carbon farming initiative and the forthcoming revision of LULUCF framework.

Energy Taxation Directive

Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, addressed the objectives of the forthcoming Energy Taxation Directive revision. He explicitly mentioned that the most polluting fuels will be taxed as a result of the revised of excess rates system. Also, he underlined that the anachronistic system of exemptions will be reviewed.

Taxonomy delegated act published

The European Commission has published the final version of the Delegated act on Taxonomy Regulation and annexes on Climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation. As anticipated in the leaked version, bioenergy is no longer considered a transitional activity. Rather, an activity contributing substantially to climate change mitigation making it eligible to be part of sustainable investments.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The European Commission rejects the idea of maintaining the system of free EU ETS allowances for the European Industry that would be eligible for CBAM. Such arrangement would be considered as a double funding and it would not be WTO-compatible. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz