Energy Taxation Directive

Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, addressed the objectives of the forthcoming Energy Taxation Directive revision. He explicitly mentioned that the most polluting fuels will be taxed as a result of the revised of excess rates system. Also, he underlined that the anachronistic system of exemptions will be reviewed.

Taxonomy delegated act published

The European Commission has published the final version of the Delegated act on Taxonomy Regulation and annexes on Climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation. As anticipated in the leaked version, bioenergy is no longer considered a transitional activity. Rather, an activity contributing substantially to climate change mitigation making it eligible to be part of sustainable investments.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The European Commission rejects the idea of maintaining the system of free EU ETS allowances for the European Industry that would be eligible for CBAM. Such arrangement would be considered as a double funding and it would not be WTO-compatible. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz

REPLACE EU project: publishes 2 new reports

The REPLACE EU-funded project on climate friendly heating and cooling has published 2 new reports: ‘Best Practise Examples of (R)HC Replacements in the Target Regions’ showing 38 best practice examples from real life system replacements, and ‘Statistical Inventories of the Heating Systems Market and Development Scenarios in the Target Regions’, dealing with the replacement potential in the ten project regions from Western over Central to Southeastern Europe.