The European Commission published a draft version of the CEEAG and opened a consultation of the guidelines which will last until 2 August 2021. Bioenergy Europe’s Secretariat will coordinate the response combined with an updated position paper. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.
The 2021 European Green Week has official started: the policy conference will last until 4 June and will be followed by a series of side events, including one co-organised by Bioenergy Europe and AgroBioHeat project, taking place on 11 June (more info and registration).The topic of this year is “Zero Pollution for healthier people and planet”. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.
The IEA recently developed a report ‘Net zero by 2050’ investigating optimal pathways towards climate neutrality in 2050. A dedicated website was created also for the contribution of bioenergy towards this target. The share of modern bioenergy in the total energy supply is expected to grow from 6.6% in 2020 to 18.7% in 2050. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.
Based on the leak of the EEAG, the Secretariat of Bioenergy Europe identified the key elements of the proposed revisions including a threat of a possible differentiation among renewable energy sources technologies (zero emissions renewable sources). The Secretariat requested meetings with EU officials from DG ENER and DG COMP to oppose any form of such differentiation. Moreover, 6 Member States published a joint letter which calls inter alia for prolonged support of crop-based biofuels and bioliquids. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.
The next meeting of the technical committee on sustainable biomass and biofuels will be held on 8 June. The committee will be reviewing the REDII Forest Biomass Operational Guidance. Bioenergy Europe encourages national associations to reach out to their governments in advance of the meeting if they have not done so to share Bioenergy Europe’s reply and their concerns. For more information, please contact Giulia Cancian.
Bioenergy Europe attended the JRC workshop organized to discuss and finalise a series of reports focusing on heating and cooling. These reports will be used in the implementation of the RED II and EED. The Secretariat will work on additional comments in written form, which will be circulated before the submission planned for next week. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.
The Secretariat of Bioenergy Europe received a leaked draft of the EEAG. The set of rules seems to be much more simplified compared to the existing rules. The articles concerning the aid for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (which entails RES electricity generation) maintain their eligibility of support granted via investment and operating aid. Moreover, the guidelines introduce the requirement of the assessment of a subsidy cost of 1 tonne of CO2 avoidance. The section devoted to District Heating maintains the possibility to support investments in the upgrade and the construction of efficient DHC. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.
During the Plenary Session on 19 May the European Parliament voted in favour of the proposal for the Regulation establishing Just Transition Fund. Investments in renewable energy sources including these contributing to heat production are eligible for support, while fossil fuels, including natural gas are totally excluded. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.
The consultation for the revision of the EPBD is now open for feedback. The Secretariat of Bioenergy Europe developed a draft contribution and members are kindly asked to provide their comments by 4 June 2021. We also encourage the submission of individual replies in the European Commission portal until 22 June 2021 at midnight. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.