Adoption of the Biodiversity Strategy by European Parliament

Last week, the European Parliament debated and passed the Biodiversity Strategy. Although the strategy is non-binding, it calls for the revision and alignment of EU rules on the use of biomass for energy production with the objectives of the Biodiversity Strategy. Unfortunately, amendment 17, which would have benefited bioenergy failed. The Secretariat has compiled a list of the MEPs (excluding the Greens, GUE/NGL, and NIs) who voted against amendment 17 or abstained. The Strategy now awaits approval from the Council. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

Taxonomy Impact Assessment passes Regulatory Scrutiny Board

A new draft of the Impact Assessment on whether economic activity qualifies as contributing substantially to climate change mitigation or climate change adaptation was conditionally approved on Monday. Despite revisions, some administrative problems with the document remain as the Regulatory Scrutiny Board’s (RSB) overall 2nd opinion of the Taxonomy was “positive with reservations”. The RSB has said that all these problems must be fixed before interservice consultations begin. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

Save the date: Bio360 Open Conference 30 June – 1 July

Solutions from agriculture and forestry to address the challenge of climate change are at the heart of this year’s Bio360 Open Conference, taking place 30 June – 1 July in the town of Retiers, a Britanny municipality in France that is fully committed to the energy transition. Examples from its projects include a brand-new community biomass boiler house as well as an agricultural co-operative biogas installation that will break ground and lay the first foundation stone during the event. Registrations open on 9 of June. Learn more on the conference website.

Biogas Statistical Report 2021

Bioenergy Europe is pleased to announce the launch of this year’s second Statistical Report: Biogas, developed in collaboration with European Biogas Association (EBA).

The Statistical Reports provide readers with accurate and up-to-date information on a variety of segments from within the bioenergy sector, outlining availability, dynamics of supply, and much more! In addition, the accompanying Policy Brief puts forward key highlights from the report, as well as recommendations for the sector. 

Bioenergy Europe’s 2021 Report on Biogas focuses on the biogas sector in Europe and its upgraded version, bio-methane. This report takes a look at the biogas consumption and production in the EU and provides an in-depth and up-to-date analysis on the sector’s state of play. The reader will be able to get data on the number of biogas plants in the EU countries and the time of feedstock that they use.

The Full Report is a Bioenergy Europe Members’ only service. The content of the courtesy copy attached can be used for information purpose but cannot be shared publicly.

Download the Statistical Report: Biogas

European Parliament Plenary Vote on the Biodiversity Strategy

The EP Plenary session began on Monday and included debate on the EU Biodiversity strategy. Bioenergy Europe’s Secretariat has created a summary of the debate highlighting the aspects most relevant to forestry. On Tuesday, there was a vote on the amendments and the strategy. All amendments passed except for 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 25. The final vote on the Biodiversity Strategy was 515 for, 90 against, and 86 abstaining. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

Joint Letter on Sustainability Policy to EU Member States

Bioenergy Europe coordinated a joint letter to EU Member States representatives asking for an adequate biomass sustainability policy. The letter was sent in advance of the Energy council that will take place this week on June 11th and was supported by forestry, farmers, landowners, sawmills, district heating and cogeneration associations. For more information, please contact Giulia Cancian.

Updated Operational Guidance on the Sustainability Criteria for Forest Biomass

Bioenergy Europe’s Secretariat obtained an updated copy of the new Operational Guidance on the Sustainability Criteria for Forest Biomass ahead of the 8 June meeting of the Committee on the Sustainability of Biofuels, Bioliquids and Biomass fuels. Unfortunately, most of the changes advocated by Bioenergy Europe in its reply to the previous draft were not adopted. For your convenience, the Secretariat has prepared an overview of the changes. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

EU Green Week

The 2021 European Green Week has official started: the policy conference will last until 4 June and will be followed by a series of side events, including one co-organised by Bioenergy Europe and AgroBioHeat project, taking place on 11 June (more info and registration).The topic of this year is “Zero Pollution for healthier people and planet”. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.