Call on Carbon initiative signed by Bioenergy Europe

Bioenergy Europe has undersigned the Call on Carbon initiative, which calls on governments to ramp up carbon pricing. The open letter calls for governments to back their net zero targets with effective carbon pricing instruments, align their carbon pricing to create a stable investment environment and support cost-effective mitigation efforts to minimise carbon leakage. The initiative is supported by leaders from more than 100 businesses, cities, universities and business associations and networks, whose members and partners represent and gather over 60 million companies and farmers.

Energy prices in the EU

A dramatic increase of the energy prices in the EU was a subject of debate during European Council summit, 21-22 October and the sectoral Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council meeting on 26 October. Earlier this month, the European Commission proposed an Energy Price Toolbox mostly focusing on the short-term measures. In the long-term ministers mentioned the following measures: reforming the functioning of the wholesale electricity market, voluntary joint purchase schemes for gas and EU-level solutions for storage. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.

WG Sustainability and WG Biopower & CHP

The joint WG Sustainability and WG Biopower & CHP meeting took place on 14 October where the current situation of Fit for 55 dossiers (REDII implementation, REDIII outlook, LULUFC and EU ETS) was discussed. Furthermore, the reasons behind the current energy price crisis were presented and an outlook was given what role bioenergy can play in the future to mitigate price changes. Minutes along with the slides are available. For more information, please contact Giulia Cancian.

Bringing value to Agrobiomass

On 27 October, 11:00-13:00 CEST, the AgroBioHeat H2020 project is organising a webinar to promote mass deployment of agrobiomass solutions in Europe. The webinar will present concrete examples in this field (find here the latest agenda) and will be followed by an online matchmaking event on 3-4 November, 10:00-16:00 CET to bring together companies and organisations to create new business opportunities. Registration is open until 2 November. For further information, please contact Irene di Padua.

REDII Sustainability Criteria: Demonstrating Compliance

Bioenergy Europe together with Bioenergy International magazine are hosting a free and open webinar occurring on October 21, 14:00-16:00 (CEST). During this event, the REDII sustainability requirements for solid biomass will be reminded but also the state of play of the REDII transposition and implementation among the different member states will be provided. Lastly, various paths to demonstrate compliance with the REDII sustainability requirements will be presented. See the agendaregister to the event, and add the event to your calendar. For further information, please contact Francisco Lourenco Matias.

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage forum (CCUS)

The first high-level forum to engage and facilitate discussions on CCUS will take place on 11 October. The forum is designed to involve all relevant stakeholders, representatives of the EU institutions and EU countries to facilitate the deployment of CCUS technologies. If you wish to participate, please register here. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.

Clean Energy Industrial Forum

The first high-level meeting of the relaunched Clean Energy Industrial Forum will take place on 13 October. Bioenergy Europe will be represented by Mr. Pasi Laine, CEO of Valmet. Topics of this meeting attended by Commissioner Simson will include: competitiveness of the clean energy industry in the EU, circularity and critical raw materials access, skills needed and opportunities of the just energy transition. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.