Euractiv Article: Bioenergy: A Sustainable Source that Benefits the Climate, Industry and Society

Yesterday, an article from Bioenergy Europe’s member Turboden was published on Euractiv describing the socio-economic and environmental benefits of bioenergy by presenting two projects in Italy. The article stresses that a holistic approach of accounting benefits for climate, industry and society backed up by a robust policy framework can enable bioenergy to help achieve decarbonisation and promote a sustainable economy.

AGRI Opinion on REDIII Revision

MEP Pina Picierno (S&D, IT), rapporteur of the AGRI committee for the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII), published the draft report for the AGRI opinion. The document stresses the need for trained installers, especially for renewable heat sources. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

Innovation Fund Large-Scale Projects

The second call for large-scale projects is open until 3 March 2022. The budget of the call is EUR 1,5bn. Its aim is to finance breakthrough technologies for renewable energy, energy-intensive industries, energy storage, and carbon capture, use and storage. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.

Timeline for REDIII in ITRE and ENVI

ITRE is the leading committee in the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive and will present a draft report on 9 February, which will be tabled in the committee meeting on 3 March and will be voted on in mid-March. As the associated committee, ENVI will consider the draft opinion of the revision on 2 February and have its committee vote in mid-July. For more information, please contact Giulia Cancian.

Kick-off Meeting of New Task Force Carbon Dioxide Removal

The first meeting of the newly established Carbon Dioxide Removal Task Force will be held on 8 February, 14.30-15.30. The meeting will focus on the choice of priorities for the work on the task force in coming months. If you wish to attend the meeting or want to receive more information, please contact the task force coordinator Michal Dlugosz.

Continued Outreach to MEPs

Bioenergy Europe’s Secretariat is continuing its outreach to MEPs on the Fit-for-55 Files. On Friday, there will be a meeting with the assistant of Patrizia Toia (S&D, IT) to discuss LULUCF and REDIII. She is a shadow rapporteur on the LULUCF file. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

Reference Values for High Efficiency Cogeneration

On 2 December, Trinomics and the consultancy Ricardo presented the final results and recommendations of the study on reference values for high efficiency cogeneration commissioned by DG ENER. The reference values for heat and electricity production from biomass (categories S4 and S5) remained unchanged in comparison with the current ones. Higher efficiency rates were proposed to the solid fossil fuels category. The presentation is not yet available. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.

Energy Council Meeting

The Energy Council met on 2 December to present progress reports on the RED and EED dossiers. Ministers discussed the revisions and many Member States called for greater flexibility and for more autonomy to be given to national governments in meeting the ambitious climate goals. Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania mentioned specifically bioenergy as an important source of renewable energy in their energy mix stressing that the use of a reliable and domestic renewable fuel should not be hindered. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.