Voci nazionali “Le vostre storie in Europa”: Giornata europea della bioenergia 2024 

Ogni anno, i membri di Bioenergy Europe condividono storie di successo nazionali che mostrano il loro impegno per l’energia sostenibile e ispirano altri nel settore. Quest’anno sono già state evidenziate sei storie che dimostrano la competitività e la sostenibilità della bioenergia. Questi esempi rivelano come la bioenergia stia guidando i progressi nella riduzione della dipendenza energetica e faccia progredire i Paesi verso le loro ambizioni di zero netto.
Scoprite queste storie stimolanti e vedete come la bioenergia sta dando forma a un futuro energetico più pulito e resiliente in tutta Europa!
Il giorno dell’Italia sarà il 24 novembre.

Your Stories in Europe: European Bioenergy Day 2024

Each year, Bioenergy Europe members share national success stories that showcase their commitment to sustainable energy and inspire others across the sector. This year, six stories have already been highlighted, each demonstrating the competitiveness and sustainability of bioenergy. These examples reveal how bioenergy is driving progress in reducing energy dependence and advancing countries toward their net-zero ambitions.

Discover these inspiring stories and see how bioenergy is shaping a cleaner, more resilient energy future across Europe.

European Bioenergy Future 2024: Discover the Agenda

Competing For Biogenic CO2: The Battle Ahead Bioenergy Europe will welcome you on 20-21 November 2024 for a new edition of the European Bioenergy Future. EBF 2024 will explore the role of Bioenergy in the green transition, especially in the context of the 2024 European elections. While the speaker lineup is yet to be announced, the agenda and panels’ topics are already set. Biogenic CO2 will be a core topic of the discussion, in fact, as Europe progresses on its path to net-zero, reliance on fossil carbon will decrease, while demand for biogenic carbon is set to rise:
  • What would be then the optimal way of handling biogenic CO2?
  • Should biogenic CO2 be permanently stored to mitigate historic emissions, or should it be utilized to address the needs of sectors that are difficult to decarbonize?
Register now to EBF 2024

Bioenergy Europe Moves Toward Gender Balance in its Governance

Bioenergy Europe approved a key amendment to its statute promoting gender balance on its board. The new board will be elected on 20 November, following the new statutes’ changes. 

On the same day, Bioenergy Europe hosted its Networking Event, bringing together members and stakeholders from the bioenergy sectors, including representatives from European Institutions.

Find out more here.