Ursula von der Leyen: “l’Europa deve liberarsi dalla dipendenza dai combustibili fossili russi”.


Oggi, la Presidente Ursula von der Leyen ha incontrato il Primo Ministro italiano Mario Draghi per discutere della situazione in Ucraina e del nuovo pacchetto di sanzioni su cui si sta lavorando.

Tra i diversi punti la Presidente della Commissione ha sottolineato l’importanza di rilanciare l’UE investendo nelle energie rinnovabili migliorando l’efficienza energetica. “I prezzi dell’energia di oggi stanno mettendo a dura prova i consumatori e le imprese; è quindi fondamentale e prioritario prepararsi ad un notevole incremento delle rinnovabili nel nostro mercato elettrico”.

Di seguito l’intervento completo della Presidente von der Leyen durante la visita del Primo Ministro italiano, Mario Draghi a Bruxelles: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_22_1602

Communication: Towards a Green, Digital and Resilient Economy

The European Commission has published a communication titled: Towards a green, digital and resilient economy: our European Growth Model in which it recalls the common objectives the EU and Member States have committed to regarding the green and digital transition. To deliver on the EU Green Deal, an investment increase of €520 billion per year in the coming decade is needed, of which €390 billion would correspond to the decarbonisation of the economy, in particular the energy sector.

Consideration of the REDIII Draft Report in ITRE Committee

The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy will consider Markus Pieper’s draft report on REDIII on Thursday, 3 March from 9.00 – 12.00. This will be an opportunity for the rapporteur and the shadows to present their opinions on the file and to ask questions. The streaming can be followed here. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

AGRI Committee Debate on Forest Strategy

On Monday, 28 February, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development debated the role of forestry in the new EU Forest Strategy (full draft agenda). During the presentation of the draft report, Luisa Regimenti (EPP, IT), rapporteur for opinion, highlighted the importance of Sustainable Forest Management to ensure long-term production and maintenance of ecosystems’ services. Petri Sarvamaa (EPP, FI) emphasised that understanding the variety of forests is key and therefore the “the huge potential of biomass and increasing biodiversity and carbon sequestration cannot be done if they get a one size fits all approach.” For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

Bioenergy Europe’s New Policy Director

As of 3 March, Irene di Padua will step into the role of Policy Director, taking over from Giulia Cancian. Irene will oversee the activities of the department whilst coordinating the Task Force National Advocacy as well as the WG Domestic Heating.